My role is to provide advice to both internal and external stakeholders on the Agency’s policy on the release of vehicle data, and wider data protection laws. On a daily basis I deal with enquiries from our stakeholders where I have to read and interpret legislation to provide an accurate response about the legal basis for processing personal data. I use my knowledge to provide guidance to stakeholders on how an individual’s information rights must be handled ensuring DVLA meets its legal obligations. By doing this I protect DVLA’s reputation as a data controller.
Since the introduction of GDPR people are much more aware of their rights and the obligations that data controllers must adhere to. This has made Data Protection Policy a really topical and interesting area to work in. I regularly deal with a wide range of communications from key stakeholders, the media and the public, providing briefings for higher managers and ministers, and answering ministerial correspondence about all things data protection.
I really enjoy the variety of my work – one minute I’ll be looking at the impact that a data sharing request could have on the Agency, another time I’ll be looking into a media story about the number of requests that have been made for DVLA data. It can be a challenging area to work in, but very rewarding at the same time.
My managers are genuinely supportive of my personal professional development plan and the Department offers many opportunities for training, allowing development of soft skills. I have had the opportunity to study towards professional qualifications, recently gaining a Data Protection Practitioner qualification from BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. I am also due to attend the Franklin Covey 7 habits of highly effective people training course.
I enjoy the flexibility in working patterns supported in the Department, which makes it easier to balance my life with my work.